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To create a campaign for the UN Decade of Ocean Science that will create greater support for ocean science, and inspire a new generation of scientists. To challenge people’s perceptions of what ocean science is and show it can offer excitement, intrigue and infinite opportunities that are just as thrilling, if not more so, than space science
the insight & IDEA
We all grow up with a fascination for the sea, playing for hours at the beach. Then as young adults we become the thrill seekers, with a wanderlust, a want to experience and to travel the world. Bring on: explorations, extreme and adventurous sports like bungee jumping and diving. We have a sense of freedom with learning to drive, solo holidays and backpacking, we become adventure hungry and excited about what is ahead.
A career in Ocean science can offer so much, not just sitting behind a desk in an office. With this job you can also make a difference and help save our planet!
Once upon a time there was a job FOR life and we often talk about wanting adventures OF a lifetime. As an Ocean Scientist your next decade can be both. This concept seeks to ‘Redefine Adventure’ and to show the ultimate career.
Selected and used at Unesco headquarters in Paris
Agency: The Ocean Agency / D&AD
Copy: Martha Monk