digi.me (tech)
brand i tvc i social i print i press
Digi.me a new tech platform who are driving the personal data revolution wanted to create brand awareness and attract app developers to create cool stuff with them. Working directly with the marketing team to create the brand strategy and positioning for a campaign to encourage downloads and explain the idea that people should be not only owning their personal data, but also benefiting from sharing it.
insight & IDEA
With the GDPR compliance consumers and businesses are mindful of how personal data is used. Personal data from various sources (e.g medial records, travel documents, travel itinerary and photos) can all come together and be beneficial. The campaign and brand positioning for Digi.me worked with the fractal logo and shows data enhancing life when people have ‘Got Data’ and can control how it’s used.
Agency: direct client
Copy: Simon Carroll
After Effects: Ultra Violet