digital i social
To create awareness of legacy giving and how it can help make a positive impact children’s futures. This needed to explain legacy donations to current donors, addressing their concerns and explaining the benefits.
insight & IDEA
Thanks to the amazing help from donors, Unicef can keep helping millions of children around the world. There are so many life-changing stories to tell. Some journeys have started, and some are yet to be discovered.
We show these journeys, include the donor in a positive way as a key part in the stories and we show chapters that could still to follow. The journeys and futures… to be continued.
Additional project: Famine crisis awareness campaign. Many countries are on the brink of famine so this campaign was to highlight the fact that any time now there will be a need for critical help. Therefore a I created a bank of creative executions to be tailored to different countries and messages for action.
Agency: Vayner Media
Copy: Martha Monk
Copyright Unicef / Vayner Media.